Something from my new book


It has been raining all day, so I had to replace my usual Saturday morning workout with the weapons and coffee tins-


with a rather tame workout in the garage wearing a weighted vest, ankle weights and wrist weights. 

Still- I was able to get a lot of typing done. I have written a book about Wenhsiuquan's pushing and pulling techniques (grappling) and its percussive techniques and also on defence. This one is about training.  

It is about the exercises I do to augment my fighting techniques. The exercises I show in the photos are my choice in leg exercises.  

Practicing kicks with ankle weights combat's a person's natural resistance to getting his/her feet off the ground. It also develops that stable one-legged stance that is essential not only for kicking, but for footwork in general.

Well- I hope you all have a nice weekend and I also hope to take my weapons outside again very soon. 


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