A form I have been working on...

A while ago somebody told me that the five Heian/ Pinan katas of karate were one one kata.

Since that time I have been practicing all five Heian katas as one. Now- you know that I like modifying the forms. Since my last post I have been trying to get Taijiquan movements to replace the karate techniques in all 5 katas. It was not easy.

This video shows the rough draft that I have been working on. I think the final product will have that spinning blow from Heian Sandan left out... It does not feel very Tai Chi to me...


  1. Nice. Master Augustine Fong introduced me to the phrase "Body Unity" years ago and I take it to mean a whole-body connection - as you move the force is coming from the feet and up through the skeletal frame. You seem to have that in the performance of this form.


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