Tongbeiquan: Damn this one is hard!

Learning this form was not much fun as the first video that I have watched on this featured a woman doing the form at top speed.

I have already accepted that the way your form looks depends partly on who you learn it from.

Not much further away on the internet, I have found this variation:

Nonetheless- I enjoy having this form in my program. I have always wanted a kata that features a hurricane kick. :)

The number of katas I know now stands at 27. I have also created 8 forms of which I plan to keep 4. 3 of them got discussed in earlier blog posts.

Even though I have gone and learnt this many katas I think that regularly practicing the katas that you know is more important than learning new ones. Sure- every once in a while you would pick up a new technique from a kata that you have not yet practiced. Still- it will only become of any use if you have practiced it enough.

Well... there is only one more form that I would like to show you, but that will have to wait for next week.

Now I have to get back to writing that book...



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