Striking Form- Movement No. 5: Downward Pressing Block and Cannon Punch

Hello, everyone.

Today we are at the second last movement in the Striking Form.

The movement is shown like this in the book and I do admit that those are not very good photos to illustrate the movements involved. In the Form this movement takes you back to the place from which you have started. For this reason my back is turned towards you in the photos.

Well... you would still get the movement if you read the text, but we do like pictures better than words, right?

Well... here is a demonstration of what the movement is supposed to represent.

The downward pressing block is not unusual and can be found in a number of Asian martial arts.

I got tired of defending against straight punches in my gifs, so I had my shadow clone try to shove me.

As you can see, I (the one without the shirt) ride the oncoming force as I step diagonally backwards. Had this been Push-Hands practice I would probably just have pushed back, but in this movement we consider a situation out of which you want to get as quickly as possible so-

the opponent is not going to get a push. Instead he is going to get his two rows of teeth banged against each other with disorienting force and maybe, just maybe, he is going to bite off a piece of his tongue in the process.

The Cannon Punch is the most recognisable technique of Xingyiquan for me. Xingyiquan specialises in the development of explosive penetrating force in one's punches and the Cannon Punch is an excellent way for students to practice all the elements of a powerful Xingyi punch.

Unlike Karate punches there is no hip rotation to help with this blow. What we do have, however, are the following:

1. A lowered centre of gravity;

2. A relaxed upper body at the beginning;

3. Gathered energy from the block;

4. A very sharp forward body movement;

5. Harnessing of this momentum and putting it into the punch;

6. An explosive discharge of energy.

Elements 3, 5 and 6 are internal elements and only you would know in most cases whether you have mastered them or not. Until you have mastered these internal elements it is important to note the following mechanical aspects of this blow:

1. The fist shoots diagonally upwards to channel the forward momentum from the body's movement. If you just punch upwards you could do so without bothering to move your body.

2. When the punch shoots into its target the body simultaneously drops its weight onto the lead foot while the trailing foot is light and free. The lead foot is flat on the ground at this point while the trailing foot maintains contact with the ground through its ball.

3. The fist clenches and the arm stiffens upon impact. At this point you should actually be able to feel the force shooting through the arm and out the fist in a sudden jolt, but give it time. You will feel it when you do.


That is it for this post.

Next week's post features the last movement in this form. 

See you then. :)


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