Have faith in the process

Some years ago, back when I was a kid, I thought just like a lot of people do today that I just had to get that black belt to have all the skills I have ever wanted in martial arts.

Nowadays- we know that this is not how it works, of course...

I have long since forsaken the quest for any kind of belt. While I respect the wishes of those who still works towards getting their next belt- I'd like to tell you a bit about the other side of the coin. A side which seems to be silenced on social media in this day and age.

This morning I have designed this short form using Shaolin's Snake Fist. I have created forms using the Leopard Fist and Tiger Claw as well some time ago, but the Snake Fist actually came to take up much of my mind this week.

The reason for this is that it has finally begun to get strong enough to hurt more than just the eyes and larynx.

You see- since I have started working out with this punching bag I developed the habit of practicing the Snake Fist, Leopard Fist and Phoenix Eye Fist against it. It started out gently at first (about a year ago now...) but as time went on I realised that I was able to hit the bag harder.

This last Friday morning I shot my Snake Fist into the bag and noticed that, along with the thud I could actually hear the bag's chains rattle a bit as well. My fingertips have begun to make some real impact now...

I have then created this form to start practicing it more. I will create a longer version when this one starts to bore me.

What all this has reminded me of is that we stick to training day by day and focus on this or that reward at the end- be it a belt, a trophy or just recognition by one's peers. In the meantime- it is these little benefits that sneak up on us, that actually count.

Whether it be stronger fingers, quicker reflexes, faster footwork or just improved fitness- these things are the reason why you should keep at it- even if you do not pass the same grading for the 100th time.

Thing is- there was a time, back in the days of the Rivers and Lakes of old China and back in the times before Karate, when Okinawa just had plain old Toudi (the forerunner of Karate), that belt grades did not even exist. You just had mastery or the pursuit of it. 

If you are thinking about taking up martial arts- think about this. I know a couple of out of shape guys with black belts who used to train. They are not much different from those who have never trained nowadays.

Forget about the achievements of your classmates. Rather fight your own fight and run your own race.

If your training makes you better than the way you were before- it is worth doing. 


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