Aerial Throws- I don't like them, but maybe they could work...

Although I started my martial arts journey with Judo as a kid I have only begun learning to do proper throws after I have taken up Karate.

As soon as I have learnt about what cool things you can do once you got yourself firmly rooted into the ground I felt like the secret to limitless hidden strength got opened up to me.

So- I am not very fond of jumping, standing on the balls of my feet or even bouncing.

The first aerial throw I have seen in my life was when I started playing Mortal Kombat II. One of the characters in the game, Kung Lao- had this insane throw that involved him grabbing hold of his opponent as he somersaults over him and then throwing him across the screen as he lands.

Cool move as it was- I thought it was completely made up and that it had no basis in actual martial arts.

Well- then, many years later, I have found this video on Youtube-

The kata in which this move is found is well known to Shotokan students. The most recognisable feature of the kata, which is known as Meikyo in Shotokan (It is the Shotokan version of the Rohei/ Rohai katas found in Okinawan styles) is the jump. Senseis call it a "Triangle Jump" -or "Sankaku Tobi" if they like throwing Japanese terms around.

The throw demonstrated in this video as an application for the jump actually looks a lot more realistic (and possible) than somersaulting over your opponent, right? 

Before Jujitsu became all flashy with its complex mounting and aerial grappling techniques- advanced Karate and the Monkey Style of Kung Fu were known to have techniques that involved mounting a standing the opponent and then using your sheer body weight to topple him.


It seems that even Hollywood took notice of these techniques.

I, myself, don't study or teach these moves. Do you know any of them? Which style do you practice and how do you find learning them?

- Well...

This is it for today.

It is also time for me to say goodbye to Google+ and the group Martial Arts Forums of which I was part for 10 years now.

It was great interacting with you all. I know I will see some of you on Facebook and Twitter. I am also on Qzone.

Posts will still come from me on a regular basis. If you still want to see them somewhere other than on Blogger you can find them on these sites.

Stay well and train hard. 


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