Jian Basics- A form to practice
Hello, everyone! I hope you have also had a good morning's workout and that you are having an awesome weekend. Today I am at the last post in a series of posts that got written for my friend Nicolas in the U.S.. Nicolas loves sword-fighting and is into HEMA and Lightsabre League battles. Even though weapons training is not a big thing with me I do practice with weapons on Saturday mornings. To me, however, it is more of a physical workout than training for an actual fight using the weapon. That does not mean that I do not practice fighting techniques at all. So- how does one get a physical workout while practicing fighting techniques? Well... One way is with forms! In the previous posts we have looked at some exercises that are also basic attack and defense moves. We can string all these together in a single pattern that can get practiced regularly. This way our bodies get used to doing all the movements that we need it to do when we use the sword. Here is our form f...