The Angle
I like grappling, but don't get me wrong- I am not a wrestler or MMA fighter. The big attraction that arts like Judo and Aikido held for me was that I was able to throw bigger and stronger opponents, not because of strength, but know-how. Now I must want lay-persons that a reliance of technical cunning is very attractive to a lot of us, but it is a disease rather than a way to victory. Technique has its place. In Wenhsiuquan it has a big place! But the other elements of strength and tactics also play a major part in a fight. While I am busy with the book I managed to take a set of pictures that touch upon an aspect covered in the previous book. Since the new book is going to be on defense and not throwing I thought it a good idea to write a post about it. As the first photo shows I have stepped past Shairley's downward sword attack. The second picture shows her ready to take a fall with just a sweeping motion of my arm. In a photo from my previous boo...