
Showing posts from December, 2013

History of Wen Hsiu Quan

The Founder at his happiest- training! Introduction: This blog was probably supposed to start with a post about the history of what is my very own fighting style. Fact is, though- I actually thought about doing it now. I have only realised now that the process of learning, training and modifying which felt up to this point to have been so recent and so fast actually happened over more than a decade now... It is also because I realised that I have not yet really had the chance to teach this art to anyone yet. Right now I am actually worried that this art- this system of techniques, tactics and beliefs will follow me to the grave. On the one hand I can leave as much as I can on this blog, but what I'd really appreciate is the opportunity to see the art itself blossom and grow within someone right here with me. One of the main reasons why Wen Hsiu Quan got developed is simply that it suited me- as a person. In karate students are known to have their " tokuiwa...